Align your Reps

Win More Customers

Gain insights into what kind of communication works best for your team and helps them most effectively convert prospects to customers.

Powered by AI Technology

Find and optimize content faster. Intelligent transcription capabilities allow you to find where words and phrases occur in your trainings.

Control Content Access

Take advantage of today’s most advanced security protocols and rest-assured that sensitive information is secured as needed.

Training Player

Engage Your Sales Force

  • Measure Program Effectiveness: Go beyond traditional data points and use built-in customer segmentation and KPI tools to understand key insights like who is viewing your content, when they are viewing it, for how long, and what kind of impact it’s having on your company’s bottom line.

  • Implement an easy-to-access mobile training application to centralize company communications, announcements, product updates, marketing demos, onboarding, training modules, and more.

Knowledge On-the-Go

  • A Better Way to Convert Leads: Interested in sharing some of your training course with prospects? Help your team nurture relationships and close deals faster by equipping them with a library of dynamic content they can share with leads and customers.

  • Bite-Sized Learning: Keep your sales team up on the latest products and developments at your organization with micro-content they can listen to in the car, at the gym, or while multitasking.

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