All in One Customer Training Software Features

Our Features

Your very own Cloud based Training

Intuitive User Interface

Expien offers an intuitive, user-friendly interface that ensures a seamless learning experience for customers. With an intuitive navigation system, visually appealing designs, and personalized dashboards, users can effortlessly navigate through the platform, access relevant content, and track their progress.

Interactive Training Modules

This platform provides interactive training modules that cater to various learning styles, making sure that customers grasp information effectively. Through videos, quizzes, gamification, and multimedia content, businesses can create engaging and interactive learning experiences that keep customers motivated and involved. Moreover, Expien supports both self-paced learning and live instructor-led sessions, allowing users to choose their preferred mode of training.

Customized Learning Paths

Every customer is unique, with specific training needs and preferences. Expien empowers businesses to create personalized learning paths tailored to individual customer requirements. By incorporating customer data and feedback, administrators can curate specialized training programs that are relevant, focused, and align with user goals. This customization enhances the learning experience, ensuring customers feel empowered and equipped with the skills necessary to optimally utilize products or services.

Comprehensive Analytics and Progress Tracking

Expien offers powerful analytics and reporting features to track customer progress and measure training effectiveness. Administrators can gain valuable insights into usage patterns, performance metrics, engagement levels, and completion rates. These insights enable businesses to identify areas for improvement, optimize training content, and create data-driven strategies to drive customer success.

Collaboration and Engagement Tools

To foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among customers, Expien integrates various communication and engagement tools. Discussion forums, chat features, and knowledge base access enable customers to connect, ask questions, share experiences, and learn from each other. By building a vibrant community of engaged customers, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, reduce support costs, and drive brand advocacy.

Seamless Integration and Scalability

Expien seamlessly integrates with existing systems, including customer relationship management (CRM) tools, learning management systems (LMS), and other essential platforms. This compatibility ensures a smooth implementation process and allows businesses to leverage existing customer data and resources. Additionally, Expien is designed to scale and accommodate evolving training needs as customer bases grow or product portfolios expand.

User-friendly interface

Give customers flexibility of accessing your academy on the go. The platform is easy to navigate and understand, even for non-technical users. This will encourage your customers to explore the available resources and improve their overall experience.

Our high-performing mobile broweser responsive site allows end users to access content on-demand, from any location.

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 Your Personal Queue

Bring your own customers

Offer the best learning experience without extra password to remeber.

Seamless integration with your existing CRM or marketing system enables better tracking of customer interactions and helps identify trends and opportunities to improve customer satisfaction.

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Detailed Analytics

Measure your audience with Expien’s powerful analytics feature.

Our built-in customer segmentation and KPI tools allow you to understand how customers are reacting to your content, which course are most popular, and more. Expien also integrates with all your marketing solutions such as Marketo, Google analytics, Adobe Tag Manager.

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Personalized learning paths

Expien platform allows you to create tailored learning paths for different user roles or specific customer needs, allowing customers to learn at their own pace and in a way that is most relevant to their situation.

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Training Player

Leverage your existing content

Combine your content with Expien workflows to provide the best end user experience

Expien supports all kinds of training content management: Video, Audio, Documents, Slides. pre-hosted content from more than 50 different sources. Beautiful.AI, Clyp, Codepen, CodeSandbox, Dailymotion, Embedly, Facebook, GIPHY, MixCloud, Poll Daddy, Reddit,, Screenr, Scribd, Simplecast, SlideShare, SmugMug, SoundCloud, SpeakerDeck, Spotify, Spreaker, Ted, Twitch, Twitter, Ustream, Vidyard, Vimeo, Wistia, WordPress, YFrog and YouTube. Use the best of all to create a seamless onboarding experience within Expien for your customers.

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Customers Satisfaction

Amplify power of your product and services

Expien's customer success and training platform is designed to optimize the customer experience, ensure customer satisfaction, and promote long-term loyalty.

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Interactive training:

Customer engagement is easier than ever before

Incorporate various interactive elements, such as quizzes, simulations, and gamification, to make the training more engaging and effective. The platform is accessible on various devices, including smartphones and tablets, allowing customers to access training resources and support anytime, anywhere.

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Manage Trainings Easily

Easy Management

Get your tasks done using a simple one click UI

Expien has a single, easy-to-use interface where you can host multiple courses, assign different managers to each training, and schedule content to publish at your preferred time and date.

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Powerful AI driven Search

Get more from your trainings

Generate More Leads

SEO Friendly Content Search your content library for specific terms and phrases in your content.

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 Automatic Transcription

Content is automatically transcribed and closed-captioned.

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SSO Authentication

Authenticate Users on SSO

We have native integrations available for most secure enterprise needs.

Only your customers can access your trainings when logged in via Single Sign-On via Active Directory or SAML IAMs such as Okta, Ping Identity, or OneLogin.

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Access Control Lists

Analytics and reporting

Measure Success of Your Customer Success Journey

Expien offer insights into customer progress, engagement, and success. This data can help the customer success director identify areas for improvement and measure the effectiveness of the training materials.

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Community features

ncorporating community features like forums, webinars, and Q&A sessions can help customers connect with their peers, fostering a sense of belonging and encouraging knowledge sharing.

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