Why Expien?

Integration Partners

Integration Partners

Our Features

Your very own Cloud based Training

Customer Onboarding

Increase Customer Satisfaction

From customer onboarding to service, when customers have the information and resources they need to succeed, they're more likely to be satisfied with your products or services.

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Everything you need to train your customer

Your very own branded Customer Learning Academy

Customer Training
  • Your branding is unique to your enterprise: Every color and image says something about your organization, its values and its history. With Expien, you’re able to add your logo, customize the look of your portal interface so the application becomes an integral part of the company, and launch your own cloud based training app.

  • Our high-performing iOS and Android mobile applications allow customers to access content on-demand, from any location--including offline.

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Customer Certification

Improved Customer

Customer Certification

Customers who are satisfied with your products or services are more likely to be loyal to your brand. When customers are more knowledgeable about your products or services, they're more likely to refer them.

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Partner Onboarding

Simplifed Partner Onboarding

Automate your Partner onboarding

Use the best of all to create a seamless onboarding experience within Expien for your partners.

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Everything you need to train your Partners

Your very own branded Partner learning and training portal

Partner Training
  • Your branding is unique to your enterprise: Every color and image says something about your organization, its values and its history. With Expien, you’re able to add your logo, customize the look of your interface so the application becomes an integral part of the company, and launch your own cloud based training app.

  • Our high-performing iOS and Android mobile applications allow partners to access content on-demand, from any location--including offline.

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Partner Certification

Partner Certification

Assess and qualify your Partners by certifying them on the products and offerings

Create Badges and Certificates for assessing Customers once they take the training courses. This will help identify the customer knowledge level during incident or support requests, and in turn help your support team to resolve any requests in a personalized way.

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Expien has been a lifeline for our company during this pandemic. When our workers were pushed online, we knew we needed a reliable and secure channel to distribute information through that they could access at any time. Not only were we completely impressed with [Expien’s] superior security features, but we’ve been able to confirm that our most important communications are actually being accessed by everyone at our organization, which is a very powerful insight to have in times like this

Kacie Marshall - Customer Success

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Unleash the power of customer training to increase customer retention and engagement.

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